Awesome Hidden Details In Our Favorite Horror Movies

Horror flicks usually aren't shy about big reveals. The killer will show his face, the monster will emerge from the shadows, and the final twist will take our heroine into a new world of pain. Yet a few horror movies go out of their way to actually hide fascinating details that often go unnoticed for years. Be warned, then, that after we've shown you the subtle moments and callbacks lurking in your favorite films, you'll never be able to watch them in the same way again.

1. Final Destination hints at the deaths that will occur

The characters meet particularly grizzly ends in the Final Destination franchise, but these elaborate deaths don't come out of thin air. In fact, the films regularly drop hints about what is to come. In the first film, for example, Terry can be seen standing in front of a painting of a bus — the same vehicle that later kills her. And in the second film, some letters on Evan’s refrigerator spell out the word “eye.” Evan is later killed by a ladder piercing his eye.

2. Pennywise the Clown's eyes turn from yellow to blue in It

The bad guy in It is a shapeshifter with the ability to alter his appearance — although we mostly know him as the nightmare-inducing Pennywise the Clown. In Stephen King's book, It makes his eyes turn from yellow to blue to bait Georgie underground — as Georgie’s brother, Bill, has the same color of eyes. And in the 2017 movie adaption, the terrifying clown does the exact same thing. It's subtle, but oh so horrifying.

3. Creepy figures are standing around the house in Hereditary

There is a lot of stuff in 2018’s Hereditary that makes for genuinely uncomfortable viewing — but there’s one shot you might have missed. And once you notice what’s standing in the darkness, it’s impossible to unsee. The scene shows the outside of a house in the forest and cuts suddenly from daytime to night. Look closely at the night shot, though, and you can see multiple naked figures surrounding the house. Creepy.

4. The image of the alien in Signs is modeled on Bigfoot

M. Night Shyamalan’s Signs had plenty of creepy moments to keep viewers on edge. But the biggest jumpscare in the film comes when we unexpectedly see a blurry image of one of the alien creatures. To some viewers, though, the image might seem a little familiar. That’s because the alien’s stance is modeled on the famous shot that supposedly depicted Bigfoot taking a stroll.